Well yesterday I lost it and loudly told a woman at the White House that our President had no right to overturn the conscience clause making it a crime to refuse to perform abortions and to help people to end their lives, etc. I cried and said, “Lord, it isn’t her fault. I shouldn’t have done that.” I didn’t act like a loving Christian at all. Who would want to be a Christian if it we act so unkind? I sure wasn’t honoring the Lord.

Those that are told that they can’t refuse to perform abortions, etc will have to make a hard decision about their conscience. Many of them are professionals and live accordingly. Will they to willing to give up their homes and, boats etc. When jobs are scarce and they are over qualified for many of them?

I could say it happened because of many things that have gone wrong for me lately, but it is no excuse for bad behavior. I’m sure that you have the same problem.

Pray for all the nations in the news that are involved in strife, especially Israel and the United States. Please keep Hearing God’s Voice in your prayers.

Rosemary Krebs