Thoughts as we come into the New Year

I felt last night as we came into the year 2009 there would be trouble in our land. I thought it was my thought, but as I lay in bed thinking how to put it on the internet, the feeling came that it needed to be said. This morning God told me it wasn’t my thought, but He was speaking to me to convey a warning to all so that we could pray and turn back to Him if we are living out of His will.

I wasn’t sure how to expand on the Word God gave me. I thought it would deal with the remnant praying and scripture that told about how they caused God to withhold His judgment. But this is what He gave me.

No matter what people do, what our government says, or the laws they put in place; we are not to heed them. We are to stand on the Ten Commandments and not waver. We may end up in jail or be beaten by those who don’t want to hear it. They want to have their life styles legalized. I have no desire to spend time in jail, but I remember that Paul Bunyan wrote the beloved story of Pilgrims Progress. I may be able to continue to write for the Lord and who knows people may listen and be saved and that would make it worth while.

We must stand and not waver for God sent His beloved San to die on a cross so that we may be forgiven of our sins and spend eternity with Him in heaven. Jesus is the only one that is sin free. The rest of us are sinners; sometimes we don’t even know that we are sinning. God says, “Can you do no less?” To lay your life down for the Lord?”

Our country has already turned from being a Godly nation and we are and will continue to pay the price for it. I’ve said before if He didn’t spare His beloved Israel, He will not spare us.

Our new President, Barack Obama, promised Planed Parenthood that he would pass the Freedom of Choice Act. This would undo all that has been done to protect unborn babies and would legalize partial-birth abortions again. The sad part is the guilt that the women who had them live with. It will make state lows void and overturn the will of the people.

Today we are not fighting a war with tanks and bombs but a war between good and evil. We have only one life to give. God’s asks us if we will lay it down for Him. If you do your body will be buried in the earth, but your spirit will be with God; if you have made the Lord Jesus the Lord of your life.

If you haven’t asked the Lord to be ruler over your life why not do it now. You will never be the same. If you have backslidden He is always willing to restore you. Accept Jesus and the Holy God who created this wonderful place for us to live. Just look out your window and see the wonder of it all.

Say this prayer

Dear Lord I am a sinner

I don’t want to live this way any more

I ask you to forgive my sins (list them out loud)

I want you to be the ruler of my life

To live in my heart forever

To guide me in all righteousness

I thank you for coming into my heart

Please fill me with the Holy Spirit

And give me the gift of tongues, Amen

Read the Bible everyday. Start with the Book of John. Read the Psalms and The Book of Proverbs. Find a church that will not compromise God’s Word. Upon arising in the morning ask God to guard your mouth that you will only speak and do what He leads you to do.

You must ask to speak in tongues in order to receive this gift. It is a way of praying the perfect will of God for the situation. Satan cannot understand what you are saying so he can’t try to stop your prayer from being fulfilled. You can ask the Spirit to reveal the prayer to you. He sometimes gives someone the gift of tongues without them asking for he has a special purpose for them to fulfill.

I believe that we are living in the end times. I may be wrong, but I feel that the upheaval of the earth all over the world is the beginning of the end times before the return of Jesus to the earth. I am once again reading The Left Behind series, written by Tim Lahaye and Jerry B. Jenkins. It is their interpretation of the book of Revelations. Some take issue with it. They do not believe in the rapture. That’s okay, but if there is a rapture and they have said the sinners prayer they will be caught up, but if not, they will be left behind and will go through all that Revelations says will happen. In reading their books you will receive insight as to what will befall you. The most important insight is that people asked those who realized their mistake and repented, asking the Lord to rule their lives and were transformed. Those that saw the difference in them wanted to know what their secret was. They were given the opportunity to explain the salvation message to them. Many received it and were saved. They saw their peace even though they knew the trials they were going through.

Some Things We Need to be Aware Of

Pray for Israel and all those involved in the war in the Middle-East. Make sure your church is upholding them in prayer, not just in passing but holding prayer meetings just to stand in prayer for them.

Intercessory Prayer

Pray for all the nations in the news that are involved in strife, especially Israel and the United States.

Please keep Hearing God’s Voice in your prayers.

Rosemary Krebs